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Verified Status

We use a Verified status to ensure that some professional use only products can only be viewed by professionals. By doing this we are adhering to best practice guideline (and in some cases, the law) with regards to the organisations or individuals buying certain items.

Items that require Verified include, but are not limited to: bulk agricultural chemicals, pyrotechnics, animal health products etc

To register as a verified farmer, please complete the following steps:

First register as a user on the Marketplace.

Go to My Account: Then click register


Fill out the registration

This stage of registration allows you to buy items from the Marketplace, but doesn't allow you to buy restricted items (such as chemicals). For this, your account needs to be verified. By verified, we mean checked that you have the necessary qualifications, storage and authority to buy restricted items. We do this by qualifying things like your address, BASIS or Holding Number etc

Without this information, our vendors will not supply chemicals to you, and you will not be avle to see our fantastic prices.

To become a Verified buyer, you need to add some further details to your account profile. Once complete we will check these details and set your account status to Verified. This is a manual process and can take a couple of days for us to do thoroughly, so we ask for a little patience.

To add your details to become 'Verified':

Go back to Account Details:


Then fill out all of the information requested:


Once complete, we'll verify your account and you'll be able to view and purchase the restricted products.

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us an email at