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GoodNature A24 Trap Stand

£38.02 £31.68
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Goodnature trap Stand gives you flexibility to target a greater range of areas and the ability to fine tune your network by being able to shift your trap easily. Another benefit when using the Trap Stand is that you don’t need to de-gas and de-pressurise your trap when moving them. It has two peg holes to keep it stable when set on sloping ground, and view holes to help see carcasses of humanely dispatched rodents. The 45′ angle creates a much more natural approach for rats to interact with the trap.


Trapping Legislation


All traps are subject to conditions set out in the Spring Trap Approval Order. The STAO England states that the Goodnature A24 rat trap may be used for the purpose of dispatching Stoats, Rats, Weasels & Mice. The trap must be so placed that it can only be entered by way of an artificial tunnel, which is suitable for the purpose.

The full approval order can be found here –
