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SAM2 Black Grass Terminator Cover Crop Seed (Acre Pack) (SFI)

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SAM2 Black Grass Terminator Cover Crop Seed  (Acre Pack) (SFI)
70.00% Black/Bristle Oats
30.00% Yellow Mustard
100% (12kg's per acre)
Why Buy this product?
Nitrogen holder that is perfect for any area that has a problem with black grass
The allelopathic compounds released through the roots inhibit weed growth 
Prolific tillering gives good ground coverage that suppresses winter weeds and also provides residue during the next planted crop
Bristle Oats suppress some nematodes, especially root-knot nematodes. Their allelopathic compounds help to break disease cycles for other crops
Quick to establish and improves soil structure
Protects from soil erosion
Price per 12kg acre pack

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