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NUM2 Canterbury White Clover Seed Mix (Acre Pack) (SFI)

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NUM2 Canterbury White Clover Seed Mix (Acre Pack) (SFI)
30% Large Leaved White Clover
35% Medium Leaved White Clover
35% Small Leaved White Clover
100% (3.00 kg per acre)
Why Buy this product?
Added into grass mixtures to reduce nitrogen fertiliser and to enhance grazing 
Good protein content & high mineral content 
Most important legume in the UK, with a great flexibility for good crops of silage or grazing. 
Will save on fertiliser bills
Grows on most soil types, except compacted waterlogged soils
Lasts 5 years plus, a lot longer than red clover but slower to establish
3 kg per acre (for sowing into existing grass)

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