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AHL3&4 / IGL3 Buffer Strips Option B Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack) (SFI)

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AHL3&4 / IGL3 Buffer Strips Option B Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack) (SFI)
30% Strong Creeping Red Fescue
10% Meadow Fescue
20% Hard Fescue
10% Timothy
15% Tall Fescue
15% Chewings Fescue
100% (8 kg per acre)
Why Buy this product?
Non-invasive, low maintenance grass seed species
Indigenous to the United Kingdom
Establishes well with no fertiliser
Highly suited to margins and buffer strips around fields
Can be used for grass meadows
Fits - AHL3, AHL4 and IGL3
ELS: EE1, EE2, EE3 & EF1 
Countryside Stewardship Buffer Strips: SW1, SW2, SW3 & SW4
8kg per acre

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