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Holistic Management Fundamentals 4th of September--23rd October 2021

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Minimum quantity for "Holistic Management Fundamentals 4th of September--23rd October 2021" is 1.

Course Description

This whole system approach to resource management gives you tools to improve profitability, regenerate soil, increase quality of life, and increase biodiversity by working with nature.

Relevant for farming, conservation, business, government, NGO's, consumers.

Tangible Outcomes

  • Regenerate soil.
  • Increase profits and yields.
  • Increase biodiversity.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Mitigate flood, drought and climate change. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the fundamental building blocks of Holistic Management. 
  • Develop a Holistic Context to guide your decisions and actions.
  • Gain practical experience with the holistic decision-making process.
  • Discover new solutions to poor soil. 

Delivered online  Saturday mornings from 9:30 AM -- 12:30 PM, (London time) between the 4th of September--23rd October 2021. 

Link to register: